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Windsor 2035: Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD)

Windsor 2035 is the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) or Plan, serving as a strategic guide for managing growth and preserving valuable resources. Developed by the Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission, the Plan is updated every ten years in compliance with state requirements.

The POCD addresses key aspects of Windsor’s stewardship, offering a framework for policies, capital investments, and zoning regulations. This comprehensive effort ensures the Town’s priorities align with its evolving needs.

The last update, completed in 2015, set the stage for Windsor’s current growth trajectory. With Windsor 2035, the Town aims to create an updated vision for the future, tackling critical challenges and seizing opportunities to foster sustainable growth and a high quality of life for all residents.

Join Us at a Community Event!

Get involved with Windsor 2035! The Planning Team will be at community events across Windsor to meet with residents and hear your thoughts and ideas for the future of Windsor!

Previous Plans

Windsor 2035 will build on the work done by previous planners and community members to create an updated vision and recommendations for the coming decade. Review the previousplans at the links below.

Contact Windsor 2035’s Planning Team

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